Ask About These Hypothetical Examples.

  • An entire department to track orders and deliveries in a shared excel spreadsheet.

    Automated Data Collection & Display

  • A policy to shred basements worth of documents 10 pages at a time.

    A Single Pick-up Request

  • Scanned thousands of documents and then typed the information for each PDF by hand.

    Computers Label Them Now

  • Kept two records of every financial transaction using multiple systems.

    Made-up Work for the Family Friend

  • Subscriptions that hadn't been utilized in so long no one had the password.

    Canceled Subscription

  • Multiple departments with separate accounts with the same subscription services.

    Centralized Subscription Management.

  • Misalignment on key goals and tasks with business priorities.

    Metrics Automatically Tracked & Displayed

  • Drawing geographic territory boundaries on printed paper maps.

    Geospatial Software Solution

  • Paper Card Catalogs

    Computerized Database

  • Manual sending daily email reminders to everyone creating endless junk mail.

    Automated emails for those who haven’t completed the task.