Ask About These Hypothetical Examples.
An entire department to track orders and deliveries in a shared excel spreadsheet.
Automated Data Collection & Display
A policy to shred basements worth of documents 10 pages at a time.
A Single Pick-up Request
Scanned thousands of documents and then typed the information for each PDF by hand.
Computers Label Them Now
Kept two records of every financial transaction using multiple systems.
Made-up Work for the Family Friend
Subscriptions that hadn't been utilized in so long no one had the password.
Canceled Subscription
Multiple departments with separate accounts with the same subscription services.
Centralized Subscription Management.
Misalignment on key goals and tasks with business priorities.
Metrics Automatically Tracked & Displayed
Drawing geographic territory boundaries on printed paper maps.
Geospatial Software Solution
Paper Card Catalogs
Computerized Database
Manual sending daily email reminders to everyone creating endless junk mail.
Automated emails for those who haven’t completed the task.